Submissions Page

Submissions Page

What is this page?

You've probably arrived at this page because you've opted to recommend something for Swordroll's Blog! This page will give a brief description of the types of submissions accepted or issues addressed via email and provide contact details for sharing your information.

How do I get started?

If you weren't directed here from a "Recommend" feature, you can scroll down and find a way to help Swordroll's Blog!

How does the process work?

Follow instructions based on what you'd like to submit, and you submission will be reviewed. I'll respond with reasons why your submission was accepted or denied. The blog has limited space, and does not want to be overcrowded. For that reason, only unique submissions will be accepted.

Recommend Entertainment

The Entertainment page has changed a bit - it's now mostly fortunes, videos, and a game. If you have an idea for those fortunes, the game, or something else you'd like to see, I'd love to know!

Email with the subject "Entertainment Submission" and a detailed description of your idea! Thanks!

Recommend a Tool

Needing a new, helpful item for the Tools page? Want a favorite in-game moment as a background? I'm open to any new tools, and they don't necessarily have to fit into the existing categories!

Email with the subject "Tool Submission" and a detailed description of your idea! Thanks!

Submit Your Website

Want your very own website on the community page? I'd be happy to add you! Please, however, make sure to keep your website updated frequently, and kid-friendly, because you never know who'll be stumbling upon it. Swordroll's Blog will also not accept or support sites who engage in theft of ideas or content, extraction or distribution of "spoilers" i.e. data-minded content, or other unethical or unprofessional practices deemed as such during a review of your site.

Meet the requirements? Email with the subject "Website Submission" and a detailed description of your link! Thanks!

Recommend a Wizard101 Guide

Want a helpful guide for a tough part of Wizard101? I'll be happy to take your idea into consideration!

Email with the subject "W101 Guide Submission" and a detailed description of your idea! Thanks!

Recommend a Pirate101 Guide

Pirate101 guide ideas are now being accepted! If you've got something that you believe should be in the guide section, let me know!

Email with the subject "P101 Guide Submission" and a detailed description of your idea! Thanks!

There's a Bug/Error on This Site!

Are you using Internet Explorer? If so, stop that! Don't worry, it's bound to happen with a site that's highly customized!

Email with the subject "Site Bug/Error" and a detailed description of the problem! Be sure to include your browser name and screen resolution. Thanks!

Contact Information:

Swordroll (at) swordroll (dot) com
Swordroll on W101 and P101 Central
@Swordroll on Twitter
Jason Goldriver on Facebook
Jason Goldriver / Jack Teach In-Game