An Incomplete Maze, My Contest Entry, and "Like" Us On Facebook For a Chance to Win!

If you're interested in trying the incomplete maze, let me know via comment, Twitter, or Facebook. The maze involves a couple of tight passages and a few Large Tree Stumps, but is mainly composed of Krok Balance Tablets.
Ok, I'd like to share my entry for Wizard101's Teleporter Video Contest. I decided last night that I'd do one and since they said to share it "before September 15th," I figured I needed to turn it in last night. It isn't the greatest, but I was short on time, and I literally turned it in at 11:57. Here it is:
Swordroll's Blog is now on Facebook and is giving away one or more codes from KI Free Games to one or more random users who "Like" Swordroll's Blog each week for the first five weeks!
Official Contest Rules
Visit or our sidebar and click "Like." Note that verification may be required. All users who "Like" Swordroll's Blog are reviewed and entered into a drawing Friday night at 8:00 PM Central time and winners are announced later that night or Saturday morning. Users who "Like" Swordroll's Blog are eligible to win every week after they "Like" the page for the first five weeks since creation of the page. Drawings will take place on Sept. 22, Sept. 29, Oct. 6, Oct. 13, and Oct. 20.
A blog's success is all about its readers, so I want to give others a reason, no matter how small, to get involved with the blog!
Now as usual, I'll ask you to become a member of the blog and follow us on Twitter. Now don't forget to leave a comment and now, "Like" us on Facebook! Tell your friends, too! Thanks to all of my readers!
Wow! I LOVE your blog! I think you can reduce the space by getting krok ice hieroglyphic tablets and maybe complete it! Awesome work!