Gear-A-Palooza, Week Three Winner, Discussion of the Day, and Save on Crowns
There's a lot in store for today's blog post: the recent announcements about Gear-A-Palooza, the Week Three Winner for "Liking" Swordroll's Blog on Facebook with announcements for the contest next week, plus a discussion on pet talents and the perfect "May Cast" pet. You'll also get all of the latest on Wizard101 crowns specials.
It's time for Gear-A-Palooza! Gear, weapons, and amulets are all on sale in the crown shop for up to 50% off the original price! In addition to that, Kingsisle is giving away a FREE set of Barbarian Gear plus you can enter the Design Your Own Gear Contest. Finalists will receive rare, currently unreleased pets, and the winners for both the boys and the girls will get an exclusive poster! Be sure to enter!
Here's more information on the free Barbarian Outfit. You can't get it all at once, so keep checking back!October 6th - 9th: Barbarian Helmet
expires at 12:00am US Central Time
October 10th - 13th: Barbarian Furs
expires at 12:00am US Central Time
October 14th - 17th: Barbarian Shoes
expires at 9:00am US Central Time
For more information on all of the contests and updates, see THIS PAGE.
Now this week's drawing for four KI Free Games Codes has happened, and the winner has been chosen! "Like" Swordroll's Blog on Facebook for a chance to win next week! The codes you receive could give you anything from seeds, reagents, and snacks to housing items, pets, permanent mounts, minigames, and even retired weapons and swords! Next week, two winners will be chosen and will each receive one code. The List Randomizer will only be used once and the first two names will be winners! (This week's winner and last week's winner - Please accept my sincerest apologizes, it's been a busy week with internet off and on. Codes will be delivered tomorrow!)
So let's talk talents for a minute. The Ghost Dragon's epic talent was added on petnome (submitted by me). It was Spell-Proof, which was fairly disappointing. I hoped for some new talents, but I suppose it could be worse. The Nightmare's epic talent is Unicorn, which in my opinion, is much better. Did you know that if you buy a Nightmare for crowns, you will automatically get Unicorn at teen? It's a great deal.

Next, I (think, considering I don't know some of the casting rates) ruled out Smokescreen, Tower Shield, and Unicorn. I still wasn't sure about the first two, but I'd heard that they didn't cast too often. Next, I considered the spells cast. I ruled out Power Up because it didn't benefit only me. I got rid of Drop It and Pierce Train because they were dependent on the opponent having a shield or charm. Next, I ruled out Taunt because the spell was useless in PvP. This left Balanceblade, Spritely, Cloud O' Bugs, Snow 'N Tell, Hex, and Weakness. I might also have though about Smokescreen and Tower Shield based on casting rates. Beyond that, though, I couldn't seem to narrow it down. Here are some public opinions.
Tower Shield
Tower Shield
Brandon RubyRider:
Tower Shield
Wolf Crazy:
Tower Shield
Now before you go, look around the site, become a member, "Like" us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, subscribe on YouTube, post a comment, maybe, and tell your friends, too! We do a lot for you, so we hope that you'll show your support! Thanks!
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