What's New? Not Much, Just a World and A Few Other Things

Alhazred in Krokotopia will instruct Balance Wizards to embark on the quest "The Purreau Project".
Dworgyn in Nightside will ask Death Wizards will to set out on the quest "Katzenstein Never Kloses".
Dalia Falmea in Ravenwood will direct Fire Wizards to begin the quest "Fire Walk With Me".
Lydia Greyrose in Ravenwood will make sure Ice Wizards commence their journey with the quest "Woolly Bully".
Moolinda Wu in Ravenwood will encourage Life Wizards to take up the quest "Gnome Mercy".
Cyrus Drake in Ravenwood will begrudgingly send Myth Wizards off with the quest "A View to a Kill".
Halston Balestrom in Ravenwood will call upon Storm Wizards to begin the quest "Sirens Fiction".
There are also new Astral Spells!
With the new world of Zafaria, comes stronger magic! New Astral Spells have come to the Spiral!
With the new world of Zafaria, comes stronger magic! New Astral Spells have come to the Spiral!
If you are level 64 or higher, and have completed the Celestia Quest "The Sun of All Fears" in the Chancel, talk to Inyanga Whitestripes in Baobab Crossroads to begin the quest "Astral Weeks".
If you are level 66 or higher, and have completed the Celestia Quest "The Sun of All Fears" in the Chancel AND completed the Zafaria quest "Tragedy of the Apes", talk to Inyanga Whitestripes in Baobab Crossroads to begin the quest "Bungle in the Jungle".
And don't forget the new Stat - Armor Piercing! Cards like Sniper just gained a whole load of attention - they will now add Armor Piercing! Armor Piercing is the ability to ignore resists and shields by a certain percent. If you have 25% Armor Piercing, a Tower Shield is halved. This works for resist, too, but not for negative charms, which also makes Weakness, Plague, and Virulent Plague more useful.
Armor Piercing can be gained through gear, pet talents, and spells. Armor Piercing on spells can exist as enchantments from Sun school cards, beneficial effects from auras, or inherent Armor Piercing on a spell card.
Existing spells will be upgraded to include Armor Piercing in their calculation. The existing spell adjustments will be primarily on higher level Sun School Accuracy enchantments and are outlined below.
Armor Piercing is calculated by reducing the resistance of targeted enemies by the value of the Armor Piercing of the casted spell. For example, a spell cast with 7% Armor Piercing on a target with 90% resistance will have damage calculated by taking 83% of normal damage.
This Armor Piercing value is inclusive of any wards that are present on a target. For example, if a spell has a 20% Armor Piercing value and is cast on a player with a Tower Shield ( 50% Damage Resistance ) then the effective damage is only reduced by 30%.
Armor Piercing does not work against Curses. ( Plague, Weakness, Efreet Curse )
By the way, you can now feed you pet items in your backpack...
You will have the ability to feed your currently equipped pet any item* that's in your inventory and receive a variety of rewards ranging from gold, to treasure cards, to rare reagents, and sometimes even pet experience. Every item that is fed to a pet can either return gold, an item, or pet stats.
*excludes other pets, mounts and houses
Feeding a pet equipment & housing items is done through a simple 'Feed' button that appears next to the ‘Trash’ button in your backpack. You can only feed a pet while it is equipped and you will get a confirmation window similar to the trash button. So start feeding your pets all those extra items that are taking up space in your backpack!
If you aren't overwhelmed yet, here's the new music player and scrolls for sale in several worlds:
To change the music in your house, simply place the Music Box in the house and select it while in 'Furniture Placement Mode' - you will see a musical note icon appear that will indicate you can change the music.
To add a Scroll to your Music Box, simply click on it and then click the "Add a Musical Scroll to the Music Player" button at the bottom.

To view all the Scrolls you have in that particular Music Box, click the Magical Note tab at the top of the screen, and you will see a list of the 'equipped' scroll, and other scrolls you have associated with that Music Box.
When you place a single Music Box outside, it will control the music for the entire exterior zone of your house.
When you place a single Music Box inside, it will control the music for that entire interior zone of your house.
When you place more than one Music Box in a zone of your house (inside or outside) the Music Box that you are closest to will dictate the music that is played for you.
Music Scrolls can be found in shops and as potential rewards for dueling the bosses of each of the worlds of the Spiral. Now let the music play!
There have also been some updates done to the statistics panels depending on your level. Read more HERE.
Whoa! I hope Ollie (my dragon) is hungry!