Quickly, now! Head to
http://www.tinyurl.com/swordrollshortcuts (Gotta love the URL) and create a free account to get your free items! Wizard101 is celebrating MMORPG's inaugural family week, and although it says they've only got 1,000 codes, there are 10,000 keys unlocking prizes for the first 10,000 accounts to redeem their key! Their is a smaller addition to the sidebar with a link and approximate number of keys left! Get you're while you can! The code guarantees a Wyvern's Hoard Pack PLUS another rare items, like a pet, retired wand or sword, mount, pack, housing item, or elixir!
Also, don't forget to check out this week's Wizard Weekly Giveaway on Facebook at
http://www.facebook.com/events/131513090292864/, for you chance to win a Permanent Ostrich Mount!

Here are some updates in Wizard101 around the world! Wizard101 in Germany, France, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom are all beginning a new advent wreath season - there are specials every week! You're now in the first week, where all transformations are 50% off! Some mounts are also discounted! Look for other new specials next week and get your transformations while you can! In Germany, Italy, and Spain, Wintertusk has been released! The name isn't quite the same, though, and neither is the interpretation of "Grandmother Raven." First and foremost, check out
THIS post on the release of Wintertusk! In France, you're exploring "Hyverlande" and helping "Grandma Raven." In Italy, you'll be helping "Grandma Crow" save "Selva Ursilia," and in Spain, after completing "Grizzlotopia," you can join Grandmother Raven in saving "Hibernia."
That's it for today, but stay tuned for tomorrow, where I'll be analyzing the level 68 spells, their impacts on PvP and PvE, and how they change each school, plus you'll see how the cards originally looked and how they changed with Test Realm updates. It'll all be fully illustrated with exclusive graphics! See you then!
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