How has your questing been, wizards? Well, in celebration of the the now thirteen days of Christmas, KingsIsle has released a Snowball pet ...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Thirteen - Pet Snowball" and Producer's Letter
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 21, 2011
Rating: 5
Today only, select mounts are 50%! If you've got any crowns left after the holiday season, check out the shop for some great sales on s...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Twelve - 50% Off Select Mounts," Random Weekly Puzzle Answers and Winner, and Poetry Contest Finalists
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 20, 2011
Rating: 5
The serenity that comes with a nice, green environment is quite refreshing. Likewise, a garden is always a nice touch to a house, whether i...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Eleven - Boon Tree," Random Weekly Puzzle Reminder, Poetry Contest Information, and Helephant Castings
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 19, 2011
Rating: 5
Upon our arrival at day ten, the excitement is dying down slightly with a code for the Silent Nightcap. While this item was offered previou...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Ten - Silent Nightcap," Into Wizard101 UK Pt. 2, and Question of the Week
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 18, 2011
Rating: 5
Day Nine - Mystery Coupon! For all of those that have a registered email and have opted to receive Wizard101 emails, you'll be getting ...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Nine - Mystery Email Coupon," Random Weekly Puzzle, and Into Wizard101 UK Pt. 1
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 17, 2011
Rating: 5
Into the EIGHTH day of Christmas already, and Kingsisle isn't slowing down with the gifts! Today, they've released a brand new Cand...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Eight - Candy Cane Mounts," Happy Holidays From KingsIsle, and IcyWiz's Party
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 16, 2011
Rating: 5
As we enter our seventh day of Wizard, we see that Kingsisle has already showered us with numerous gifts, sales, and new items, and now the...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Seven - Snowman Transformation" and a Message From Kingsisle
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 15, 2011
Rating: 5
Are you loving the celebration, but need something that you DON'T have to spend crowns on? Did you miss out on that free Color Light St...Read More
"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day Six - Holiday Decorations," Game Updates, and Kingsisle's Expansion
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 14, 2011
Rating: 5
To follow up on my first part of choosing a perfect wand where I focused on appearance, I now want to focus on the equally important statis...Read More
Choosing the Perfect Wand Pt. 2 and Wizard101 News
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 06, 2011
Rating: 5
Ever feel rushed during the holiday season? Well, the gap between real life and Wizard101 in closing in that way - there's plenty to up...Read More
Question of the Week, Gardening, Felix Navidad, Feedback Friday, Crowns Sale, and Contest Updates - Yes, It's Christmas!
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 05, 2011
Rating: 5
Choosing a wand, to me, is just as important a decision as choosing an entire outfit. Your wand is a summary of your outfit, and by extensi...Read More
Choosing the Perfect Wand Pt. 1 and Mysterious Updates
Reviewed by Swordroll
December 04, 2011
Rating: 5
Last Chance Blacksmith’s Fjord Bundle! Forge your destiny! This is your
last chance to get the Blacksmith’s Fjord Bundle in the online cart! Grab
this bund...
Hyper Elixir Sale! Get hyped! Now through 2/23, save 20% OFF the Hyper
Elixir and gain the benefits of all your favorite elixirs all in one! Take