Holiday Contest and Wizard101 Sales!

What are you hoping for this holiday season? It's time to get out the camera, art supplies, or whatever you use best, and capture or create your best Christmas tree for your chance to win a few prizes!

All you have to do is send your best Christmas tree drawing, picture, graphic, or any other type of Christmas tree to by December 31st at midnight for a chance to win! One lucky grand prize winner will receive a code for a Boar Knight pet and 1,000 crowns, and four lucky first place winners will receive a code for a Wyvern's Hoard Pack! Keep reading for more details!

To be eligible to win, you must submit a unique picture/graphic/drawing/etc. of your Christmas tree, no pictures from Google, please! You must also leave a comment on this post! Remember, it's Christmas, so nothing but joy and happiness is allowed here, be courteous and kind, whether you win or not. Please include your wizard name in your email!

Everyone who has sent in an entry will be entered into a drawing using to determine the winners. The first name shown after one randomization will be the grand prize winner, and the next four names will be first place winners! Good luck.

In the illustration below, you can see my example of a Christmas tree, made entirely of basic shapes (circle, rectangle, star) and brushes for highlights, mid-tones, and shadows! The only exception is the flare on the star.

Wizard101 is having some holiday sales if you're interested! You can currently save 30% when you purchase a twelve month membership on Wizard101. You'll get a full year of exclusive access to everywhere in Wizard101, plus free ranked PvP and Pet Derby! See more at!

Don't forget about the holiday items, too! The Charity Chrismoose, Snowball Pet, Candy-cane Mounts, Holiday Housing Decorations, Felix Navidad and his items, plus all of the other holiday festivities will be leaving the Spiral soon, so get them while you can!

As always, thanks for reading and happy holidays!

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