So what are the top five rarest treasure cards? What should collectors be after? Is it personal preference? I'm here to answer these questions, and let's start with that last one - no, the rarity of something isn't personal opinion, though opinion can be what makes a card rare. It's time for Dampen Magic vs. Lifebane, and a bunch of other feuds that bring you the top five rarest treasure cards and where to find them! It's all here, just for you.
#5... Earthwalker!

INFORMATION: Fetching a nice price on Wizard101 Central, this five-pip Life damage card comes in at number five, for you rarely see it in the Spiral, or among wizards. Because this and number four can be found in a pack, they've come in behind number three. Earthwalker can be purchased indirectly by any wizard of any level, but it is the luck of the draw, so have your crowns ready - that's right, there's no gold option for obtaining this card using the most popular method!
LOCATION: Besides the Marvelous Minion pack, you can get these on a rare occasion from the Bazaar, or from other players who have come across them!
#4... Storm Hound!

INFORMATION: The Storm Hound treasure card really is a collector's item - you can only find it two places. You might be lucky and happen upon one in a trade, or you could get one from the Marvelous Minions Pack. The thing is, it's a rare card from the pack and the card pack costs real money - it's crowns only. Besides that, when you're after one, someone might not always have one. As they pass through the hands of others, some people quit, some people keep them, and less and less find the Marvelous Minions pack to be worth its cost.
LOCATION: As stated, you can find this card through trading, or the Marvelous Minions card pack, but get a bunch of crowns ready! You might occasionally find one at the Bazaar.
#3... Simplify/Elucidate

INFORMATION: Simplify and Elucidate are rewards from a single quest in Celestia. This means that one must obtain somewhere beyond level 50 and complete a good half of Celestia. Because it's so close to the end-game, you don't see it as much. Most of the time, people have a few on hand, but more often, they've sold them or traded them. Although their use varies, their rarity is the same.
LOCATION: You won't see these at the Bazaar anymore, but you can get them from the quest "Follow the Leader," or by trade, I believe.
#2... Lifebane!

INFORMATION: Lifebane cards are super-rare, so much so that they sell for as much as 2500 to 4000 forum gold on Wizard101 Central, and if you don't watch the going rates, let me be the first to tell you - that's a lot! The richest person on Central only has a good 20,000 forum gold. Five Lifebanes could make you that richest user, that is, if you want to sell them! While they're still tradeable, they're no longer drops, so if someone carelessly uses one in battle, or deletes it, that's one less in the Spiral... forever. I personally have three from various trades and such. Its extreme rarity and value make this card the second rarest in the Spiral!
LOCATION: If you're lucky, you MIGHT snag one of these at the Bazaar. You're most likely to get one from a trade, and probably only on Wizard101 Central! They used to be drops, but Kingsisle stated that they were removed from the drop tables.
#1... Dampen Magic!

INFORMATION: You thought you'd see this in second place, did you? Dampen Magi cards can't be traded, and that's all that has to be said. Someone thought it would be funny to somehow duplicate a ton of these cards and dump them at the Bazaar, so they then became "No PvP" and could not be traded. That means that, unless this is changed, they will die forever with these generations of Wizards. That's right, you're looking at the last cardholders as far as this spell goes! Despite the fact that it has no value, it is still untradable, and thus harder to find and obtain. One might call say that it's truly priceless.
LOCATION: Well, I was so lucky as to get two of these, but I didn't get any from that crazy Bazaar sale, I got them all through trade from a couple who had hundreds of Elucidates, many a Dampen Magic, and pet talents that no one had ever heard of. The only place you'll find these now is in pictures, or, if you're lucky, in your card deck if you already have them.
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