"The Twelve Days of Wizard: Day One - Chrismoose" and Other Details
Wizard101 is now hosting an event called "The Twelve Days of Wizard," and to celebrate day one, you've got a chance to be generous yourself - purchase your Charity Chrismoose today - the cost is 7500 crowns, and I'm certainly not one to buy crown items as such, but this moose is benefiting two charities - the Austin Children's Shelter and Children's Medical Center at Legacy! Not to mention the fact that these mounts retire after the season, and you'll never get another chance to get another. Make it your own Christmas gift to yourself - and you'll be giving to charity, too!

The Twelve Days of Wizard is likely the U.S. parallel to the advent season on Wizard101 UK. Don't forget - they're turning one! Check out Diary of a Wizard and Mason Swiftblade's Blog for details!
Kingsisle does such a good job with their graphics, that one can hardly complain, but I did notice a few graphic problems lately, my favorite being the one on the Plant-A-Palooza page!
Looks like someone missed a spot in the process of cutting out that Happy Holidaisy. Again, though, no big deal. Kingsisle is top notch with their graphics.
If you haven't already, scroll down to our Random Weekly Puzzle, and, just for fun, take a guess or two! Answers will be revealed and comments approved for that post next Thursday, with the release of the next puzzle!
Until next time, see you in the Spiral, and Happy Holidays!
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