UK - All New - Pet Derby Competition, Crown Shop Items, Gift Card Pets, Life School Celebration, and Your Newest UK Fansite!
Pet-A-Palooza? Pshhh! The UK is where it's at! Contests? Try a massive derby competition, cool new crown shop items, gift card pet updates, a Life school celebration, and a brand new UK fansite!
First of all, don't forget about the Labyrinth maze coming up on the 5th in honor of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee! It'll happen at Unicorn Park, Unicorn Way, Wizard City in Ambrose server at 18:00 BST / 19:00 CET / 12:00 Noon US Central.
There's a pet derby competition - and the fun begins now!
Just in time for Euro 2012, Wizard101 is also going all out: Wizard City is launching its first ever official European Wizard101 pet race with the European Pet Derby 2012 at the Pet Pavilion! Compete against other players with your pet and win great prizes in three competition categories: every winner gets 5,000 Crowns! Training phase: 8 – 17th of June, tournament phase: 18th of June to the 1st of July. During the training and tournament phase, pet races are free for all wizards! You can find out more information about the event in the forum.
Visit the forum for more information, HERE. Keep a look out, because I'll be training MY pet, too!
Those 5,000 crowns are a great prize, considering the new items in the crown shop that you can work for - these include the Great Hornocerous! Wolf Shadowstrider was kind enough to let me ride his!
For those of you in the US, take a look at the above item! The UK commonly has unique items in the Crown Shop, including these Blacksmith Tongs!
A message regarding Gift Cards from Thrace:
Hello Wizards,
The Sainsbury's Wizard101 UK gift cards pet has been updated! You will now get a Hulking Cyclops pet for the month of June.
The Friendly Dragon has flown away. Though if you can find someone with one, you can hatch and get the Buddy Dragon hybrid from them still.
Have fun!
This gift card is available to buy in UK and can only be redeemed for Wizard101 UK.
That green cyclops is very fitting for the current school celebration - Life! Beginning the 12th, you should check out the UK Board for more information on this big Life celebration - including contests, events, and special prizes! Find out more at
Finally, there's a brand new fansite for you UK wizards to check out! It's not official yet, but Legends of the Spiral UK is sure to be a crowd-pleaser! With the ability to post videos, create parties, translate runes, and create your own spells, there's plenty to do! Legends of the Spiral and Legends of the Spiral UK has been added to our Links list. Check the site out at!
Thanks for reading, and see you in the Spiral!
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