New Launchers Hint at Wizard101's Aquila!

There are six new Wizard101 launchers that seem to hint at what exactly KingsIsle meant when they said something was coming in July. I'm thinking it's Aquila, and you will, too, after you take a look. And Cret92 would like me to remind you that it might be Empyrea as well.

The Finale?

My first question is whether or not this is KingsIsle's next side world and side story, or it's the Morganthe finale. I've thought for quite awhile about the possibility of Aquila in Wizard101, but hadn't given a thought to it being a side world. I just can't seem to connect Morganthe to this ancient land.

Hints of Aquila (Or Empyrea)

The biggest hints of Aquila in Wizard101 rest with the Olympian Bundle. Look at the others - pretty simple and basic. Well, as basic as bundles get. However, not the Olympian. It came fully equipped with a new music track in the arena. Wizard101 is a good company, but also... a company. They want money. And composing a new track for a bundle house doesn't go with that idea.

The next was all of the new textures. Instead of classic ones seen elsewhere that were reused, they used all new textures to create this home, and that's quite a bit of art for one time.

As if that weren't enough, they created the sword and shield
walking, swimming, casting, and idle animations on the two newest bundles, as well as introducing the two-handed spears. All of that must be pre-testing for the new weapons to come.

Then there's the three new Efreet spells. It's all too much for one bundle. It must be a new world. Whether it's Aquila or Empyrea, main or side, it just has to be a new world.

Add in the fact that they've already got a number of creatures fitting the theme, plus existing textures and objects from Pirate101's Aquila, and it almost certainly tells us that we're getting Aquila... or Empyrea.

The Launchers

The launchers are highlighted throughout this post. The first one is above. It's a horse... of sorts. It has scales, though, and a harpoon, suggesting something from the water.

Ever since Celestia, creating underwater animations has become a must, so in each new world, Wizard101 has opted to do at least one underwater location. In Zafaria, you had Mirror Lake. In Avalon, you had the Deep Water. In Azteca, you had the Pitch Black Lake. Of course we'll see an underwater location; this only confirms it.

The next is the horse shown above. It's a female centaur, like we saw in Pirate101. This one has dark hair, however, and is slightly different.

The third is a new eagle that it doesn't look like we've seen before. It has lightning bolt symbols on its armor and blue and white colors to the look. It has to be a Storm enemy.

The fourth looks like Ares, Hephaestus, or some other powerful eagle god. Will these gods recognize us from Pirate101? With this being the first world in Wizard101 that is borrow from Pirate101, and not the other way around, it should be interesting.

Below is what looks like Athena from Pirate101... and I mean exactly like her. One must wonder if concepts and 3D models were created for both games, or if they were separate. If not, this'd be mighty convenient.

The final one is quite interesting, because it isn't like anything we've seen yet in Pirate101. Perhaps it's Hades, not in statue form. Could be interesting. Is Morganthe working with him and the song of creation to raise an undead army to take over the Spiral? How original.

Theorycrafting - 100 or 101?

With a new world comes new spells - and quite possibly, new Astral spells. What could those be - when will the damage enhancements hit a maximum, or will they?

The next big question is, if this is a main world, will the new level cap be 100 or 101? Furthermore, is this Wizard101 nearing its end? Will the next few years be minor updates and side worlds... maintenance and new Crown Shop items?

With J. Todd Coleman gone, Pirate101 short on help, and more games on the horizon, it might make sense... but that sounds like a future post series.

There have been major mixed reactions to this spoiler - is it coming today, the same afternoon as the spoiler, like they did with Azteca? Or is it just something on the horizon, like the winter launchers for Pirate101?

And if it's Aquila ...or Empyrea... are you excited for it? Some are, some aren't. My concern is that it'll be too much like Pirate101. What are you thinking?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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