Reckless Frenzy and the PvP Divide
Reckless Frenzy, as I think we'll all agree, is overpowered. It's beyond the normal power capability. I don't think there's any question about that. The concern is whether or not it's overpowered to an extent that it compensates for a Buccaneer's lack of other powers or is too far off the charts.
A Revolutionary Power
Reckless Frenzy is different. Other powers vary in capability, and all can be more effective when used skillfully, but classes generally remain on the same baseline level. That is a huge thing for the game. It means that players who have strictly been PvE players can dive into this new realm with friends and be successful. At the same time, elitists can effectively have their matches.This is something Wizard101 was destined to fail at from the beginning. with staple spells like Tower Shield, Weakness, Satyr, and others, it would have never worked out. But I'll explain more of that later.
Hold Your Breath
Ranked PvP, I believe, is part of what ruined Wizard101's PvP. It drove players to try and use cheap strategies and do anything necessary to win... including exploit glitches. This led to a downward spiral of Jade gear, mastery amulets, and excessive treasure cards. It took the fun right out of PvP, because those that didn't join that crowd failed. That's why I desperately hope Pirate101 gives closer attention to that fact and leaves ranked PvP out of the equation. A matching system is all we need.
Why Reckless Frenzy is "Bad News"
The power in itself isn't necessarily a game changer, though I'd argue that the 5% damage should be definite, and unaffected by damage protection or armor. But it's a small change for the worse that could point to future problems. It's different because it's an attempt to bring the class up to par with others. Ratbeard (one of the developers) said that he always wants to buff classes, never "nerf" (reduce the power of) them. That's a problem. You get things like overcompensation with one power... a.k.a. Reckless Frenzy.What happens is something not visible to the duelists you know and love. See, the elitists have no issue, because they have a better ability to predict how their opponent will act, and minimize the effects of powers like this. But players that are new to PvP? Buccaneers have a distinct advantage. And that turns potential PvPers away. That's a big problem.
As Duelist101 Calls It, the "Ace Card"
Suppose in Wizard101, you put a level 16 Ice against a level 16 Storm. Easy win for Ice. Spells are limited, so Tower Shield and that 70% Storm Shield will definitely be included, rendering the Storm's powers useless. An experienced PvPer would know that and come prepared, but not anyone new to PvP. And so the divide begins.Don't like the Wizard101 comparison? Pick any game. Pick hobbies. The bottom line is that something that works for all skill levels will gain a large audience, and that's a good thing. Something that requires you to possess a certain knowledge beforehand is less likely to attract a crowd.
The Split
When you get elitists who can work with powers like this, and new PvPers, who can't, it just doesn't work. It's a divergent effect rather than a stabilizing one, and the idea of that should scare players on both ends. It means that you start to create two groups who want different things, and any relationship in which the two involved work like that, well, you know how that goes...The fact that skilled PvPers, therefore, defend Reckless Frenzy is most startling. It's their future on trial. Perhaps, though, it's only because they are elitists that they can't see the other side... the one with those of us who aren't as great... my side. Ha!
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