November Character Update

November has been the busiest month in a long time. Between bundles, new worlds, and more, much has been done and much has been planned. Here's your look this month on my progress in-game.

The Empire Bundle

I was actually headed to GameStop to purchase the Hive Bundle (below), when I came across one no one had seen yet - the Empire Bundle, with the first ever Battle Standard.

Read more about this new beauty HERE. It really is a great bundle for improving your game tactically. The female centaur companion is a must-have. And then Battle Standards - those are great! I took a detailed look at them HERE, and discovered a variety of new things, and posed many yet unanswered questions.

The house is the only part that's lacking for me. It looks great, but like something I'd purchase in Aquila, not receive with a bundle. Wizard101 bundle homes are so successful because they're only based on a world and have structures and even textures not found in other locations. Seeing something all new is a major selling point of the house, and the house is a huge part of the bundle, which is probably why the $29 bundles are not as successful. The lovely, open entrance is excellent for... taking care of Privateers.

Farming Plans

I have seen a few items from Zeena and other bosses that I've been taking a look at on THIS thread. It's never updated any more, but people still post their drops. I'm hoping, in the next few weeks, to put together a couple of farming parties for these bosses for the sake of obtaining more gold. Failing all else, I'll ready my companions and try for things myself.

Hive Bundle Fun

Wizard101 released the Hive Bundle this month (HERE). After one person posted photos from a friend on Facebook, I asked for her help and tracked down that friend. That night, I took a video of this must-have house and photos of the gear. Not only does this house have a great setup and fantastic textures, it also has the dragonfly ride. It not only works like a daily genie, it's also simply... epic, for lack of better term. You have to see it. There's a video in the post I linked to.

Khrysalis Part 1 Goes Live

I skipped out on most of the Khrysalis information in the Test Realm in order to preserve the surprise in the live realm. I had heard some names of cheating bosses, but didn't know a lot of details.

Khrysalis has rivaled Avalon as my favorite world. However, one major difference is that Avalon uses one type of "mob" only a single time for the storyline quest, which is extremely impressive. Not only that, but it's logical. Why would we defeat one bug, pick up only what we need, and leave everything else lying around?

However, Khrysalis and its positives far outweigh the negatives. There are some great cutscenes and truly great moments in the story. Merle has some good lines early on, and select bugs have similar dialogue later.

For having only five locations (Bastion, Silent Market, Moon Cliffs, Last Wood, Tyrian Gorge, and Fort Rachias), Khrysalis Part 1 has quite a wide variety of locations. In the first four set of pictures, you'll see the Broodmother's throne room, the entrance to Bastion from the Moon Cliffs, the Eclipse Tower, and a mouse dropping a bomb on the honeycomb wall in the Last Wood. This second set is a prison where those inside are trapped in honey, a cave with a web bridge containing the first boss using shadow magic, a view of Tyrian Gorge, and Queen Myrtle Town in the Last Wood.

Aquila Farming Plans

I'm about ready to change up my outfit again. I'd love to have the looks for the Senator's Laurel and Zeus' Armor. I'm not sure what wand or boots I'm interested in yet. I run Olympus now and then, but it's seven fights plus a puzzle and collect quest versus Tartarus which is five fights (with Hades twice) and one puzzle, plus the potential for better drops.

I'm hoping, for December, to obtain some of this new gear in both games and complete Khrysalis. Plus, I'm feeling some new Pirate101 content... anyone else?

Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

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