Wizard101: Mystic Fishing Bundle and Evergreen Bundle!
Wizard101's latest bundles - the Mystic Fishing Bundle from Wal-Mart and the Evergreen Bundle from Gamestop - are two that you don't want to miss out on! There's quite a lot of information available on one, and much speculation on the other. Here's everything you need to know!
Update: The Evergreen Bundle has been found! Click HERE to learn more!
Wizard101: Mystic Fishing Bundle Overview

This bundle is the first to center around fishing, and not only offers some cool items to put your wizard in the fishing mood, but also sets some new precedents on what pets can and can't do, and kind of stats gear may provide us in the future!
In this bundle, we see pets potentially casting fishing spells, fishing luck on gear, and more. I would love to see more fishing-based bundles from this point forward. It's an interesting concept for sure. I also think the Private Fishing Retreat would be great for parties. Learn more below.
The Private Fishing Retreat and Rainbow Trout
The highlight of this bundle is the Fishing Retreat. Much like the Fishbowl and Treehouse, it's its own area, with a better-looking version of Wizard City and a few ponds to fish in. Anyone can teleport to you and fish there. There's a new fish - the Rainbow Trout (find its school, XP, rank, location, and more in the list HERE),
The pond also contains a number of other useful, harder-to-catch fish, namely the Brain Sturgeon, which should help with crafting the Pogo Stick Mount. For a full list of fish found in this area, look HERE. To see the retreat and a little bit of fishing in it, check out a post HERE.
The Mystic Skiff Mount and First Mate Otter Pet
The mount and the pet are must-haves from this bundle. The Mystic Skiff actually turns you backwards as you row around. If you get a second person up in front, they'll go on lookout duty, and at some point step up onto the bow of the boat, at which point you'll stand up and rock back and forth!
The otter, besides being awfully adorable, grants an additional life fishing lure in case you didn't already have one, but then comes with a few very cool talents, including "May Cast Reveal Fish School" and additional fishing luck. That's pretty awesome!
The Arcane Angler's Outfit and Swordfish Sword
Your gear comes in a traditional yellow to match your otter, but it can be dyed any color. This gear, like most from bundles, isn't particularly fantastic, but it does give additional fishing luck, so it's worth having. The Swordfish Sword is a rainbow color and goes great with your fishing attire. The level 100 gear tiers are shown below. For all of the tiers, click HERE.
Wizard101: Evergreen Bundle Overview
The Evergreen Bundle is confirmed to be a new GameStop bundle, so keep your eyes peeled there. It was discovered early in a gaming catalog that pictured the bundle, so we know what it looks like, but not what any of the actual items are like or how they translate in-game. I'm most excited to see the house, personally.
For now, take a look at this enhanced photos of the bundle. It appears to include a "Botanical Gardens Estate with Aberrant Carnivorous Plant," "Celestial Wolf Mount," "Spirit of the Forest Pet," "Evergreen Armor," "Thornblade," and the traditional one-month membership or 5,000 crowns option. Many believe this bundle will be focused on gardening. While that makes some sense, it looks to me like this is more about the wilderness and outdoors than purely plants. We'll see!
What do you think of these new bundles based on what we know? Will you be purchasing them? Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral! Credits: Huge thanks to Tasha for showing us her bundle and house and allowing us to take and use images. All images used with permission. Thanks to Wolf for the image of the Evergreen Bundle!
I purchased this game on Amazon and paid double the advertised price shown on the card. I love to fish and was looking forward to getting all the NEW fish. But I am disappointed. The way it was advertised, there were tons of NEW fish. But the only new one I found is the Rainbow Trout. All the rest, I have already caught through out the Spiral. The house is just for show--you can't go in it. You can't set furniture or anything else outside of it either. It was a waste of my money.