Wizard101 Fishing: Dragonspyre Spell Guide

Seeing everything in the Test Realm up to this point has been pretty exciting. If you've been trying out the one-shot dungeons, socket system, or new bosses, you might have missed the new fish and fishing spells.
Other Fishing Guides:
Fishing in Dragonspyre
Initially, we didn't imagine that Dragonspyre would be a world in which we, as wizards, could fish. More likely, I figured we'd move on to Celestia or Zafaria and fish there. But, if we could do it in the lava, there truly are a number of great places to use in Dragonspyre, and that's just what KingsIsle did.
New Twists
Fishing in the lava means one fundamental change that players have experienced before, but has not been as prevalent as it is now - fishing from the banks. Getting a fish to come to you is particularly difficult, so being able to walk in water is a huge help. You can't do that in lava. This makes some former utility spells, such as "Charm Fish," which attracts the fish toward the caster, much more useful.
It also comes with additional challenges. The ranks of all fish have been pushed up to two and even three, and that is reflected in the spell guide below, which includes the rank 3 lures. You also have sentinel fish. These guys will speed across a lake, no matter how large, to scare off your current fish and steal the lure. Sentinels can be caught, but it's tricky to deal with them.

New Spells
There are a couple of cool to spells I want to spotlight, in addition to the rank three lures.
Winnow Spells
The new winnow spells are a very cool concept. Oftentimes, you're looking for a very specific fish of a specific school. The problem is that catching every fish in a pond takes too much energy, but so does revealing schools, catching, realizing they're all mixed up, revealing again, and so on. These spells will remove every fish not of a particular school, which can ultimately save you energy and time in searching for those few you're missing.
Banish Sentinels
One of the ways to deal with sentinel fish, which I'll discuss more later on, is to banish them. Keep in mind that there are two rank one sentinels, and one rank two sentinel. You can learn more by following the link to the Dragonspyre fish guide HERE.
This spell only banished the rank one sentinels, but keeping them away can be helpful for catching other fish.
Reveal Large/Small Fish
Two new spells available to wizards allow you to eliminate all but a particular size of fish. This is designed to help you catch either whoppers or small fry fish, but in order to maintain some level of difficulty and some challenge, it doesn't limit the pond to only one or the other, but a general range of very large or very small fish.
Reveal Rank 1 Fish
Many people have questioned how this will be helpful. What it allows you to do is isolate all of the rank one fish, essentially. So while you may not be interested in knowing specifically where the rank one fish are, you may be interested in where they are not if you're looking for a higher-rank fish. Even if it is among other rank 2 fish, this could significantly narrow down your options.
Now, here's a list of all of the new fishing spells, where to get them, and some additional information.
Athenium - Yuri Smokescreen Spells
| Spell Name: Banish Sentinels 1 Required Energy: 4 Spell Rank: 0 Rank Required to Learn: None, Quest Reward Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: Once you've caught your sentinels, they're annoying while attempting to snag other fish. Use this spell to get rid of the rank one sentinels in the pond. |
| Spell Name: Common Fable Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Common Flame Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Common Frost Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Common Harmony Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Common Ripose Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Common Spark Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Common Vitality Lure Required Energy: 5 Spell Rank: 3 Rank Required to Learn: 6 (Cost: 5000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: The newest, rank 3 fish can be tough to get, and while you can snag them with other lures, you are most likely to get them, particularly without a luck elixir, if you use this correct rank 3 lure. |
| Spell Name: Reveal Large Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 0 Rank Required to Learn: 2 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: If you've caught all your fish and are now looking for the upper and lower extremes, this is the spell for you. It clears all but the small fry fish and some of the bigger keepers. |
| Spell Name: Reveal Small Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 0 Rank Required to Learn: 2 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Yuri Smokesnare, The Athenium, Dragonspyre Major use: If you've caught all your fish and are now looking for the upper and lower extremes, this is the spell for you. It clears all but the small fry fish and some of the smaller keepers. |
Labyrinth - Timor Flamecaster Spells
| Spell Name: Reveal Fish Rank 1 Required Energy: 4 Spell Rank: 0 Rank Required to Learn: 2 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: Reveals all the rank 1 fish in a pond, allowing you to separate them out from other in searching for specific fish. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Balance Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Death Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Fire Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Ice Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Life Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Myth Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
| Spell Name: Winnow Storm Fish Required Energy: 7 Spell Rank: 1 Rank Required to Learn: 3 (Cost: 1000 gold) Location Learned: Timor Flamecaster, The Labyrinth, Dragonspyre Major use: When you're needing only a specific fish, you can pick its school and use the associated winnow spell. Particularly in large ponds, this will save reveal school energy. |
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Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
A couple of things:
ReplyDelete- Up until the Winnow Spells, all of the descriptions share that of the Banish Sentinel spell lol.
- The Errol Fynn is a Rank 1 Fish like the other Fish found in Ravenwood, not Rank 2. I think the one place that the Reveal Rank 1 Fish spell would be useful for is in the Emperor's Retreat. For someone who can't determine the speed of the Fish, they can use that Spell to determine whether the Silver Streak is there or not.
Whew! Thanks. I don't think some of my later edits saved.