Wizard101 Aztecan Builder's Bundle Card
Wizard101 has released a new bundle card: The Aztecan Builder's Bundle! This new card allows you to build your own castle using new Aztecan blocks, and includes a Raptor mount, axe and shield weapon, Aztecan gear, and a Toucan (or rather, Toucan't) pet.
Wizard101's Aztecan Builder's Bundle Details
This $39 card can be purchased at your local GameStop store, and includes a Build-A-Castle plot called the Serpentine Escape that includes MANY Aztecan building blocks both inside and out. Like the Arcane Builder's Bundle, the pieces can be picked up and replaced. It also includes a Feathered Raptor Mount to increase speed by 40%, plus a Toucan't Pet giving a Smokescreen card at teen. The gear is one of the most universal sets I've seen; this Wild Wing outfit has appropriate tiers for all levels. Likewise, the wand, which focuses on block while also adding in accuracy and stun resistance, is rather unique, and is animated!
Serpentine Escape House Video Tour
The house is called the Serpentine Escape. This Aztecan-themed home includes both indoor and outdoor castles pre-arranged for the buyer, but the pieces can be picked up and rebuilt at any time. They are new building blocks themed around the bundle and Azteca. Here's an HD video tour. Notice the different school fountain blocks, new secret passageways, and so on.
All Gear and Wand Tiers
The gear contains cards that any class will find useful, and the wand is rather interesting, having a cool animation and incorporating stun resistance onto wands for the first time. The final tier of the wand also has a chance to cast Blinding Light.
Here's a shot of the top tier of all of the gear for your convenience:
Toucan't Pet and Feathered Raptor Mount
The card also includes the standard pet and mount, but there are pretty neat for a couple of reasons. The Toucan't was spotted earlier today, and is a pretty adorable addition to any pet collection, but also has a pedigree of 67 and four epic slots, one being Incredibly Infallible. The Feathered Raptor mount has actually been hinted at since the release of the Azteca wallpaper, and was released originally as a pet but never a mount. The pet is pictured below and the mount is shown in the house tour video.
Do you plan on buying Wizard101's Aztecan Builder's Bundle?
Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!

Wizard101 Azteca Builder's Bundle Card Summary
Where to Buy: GameStop
Cost: $39
Content: Azteca-themed Build-A-Castle plot and pieces, Feathered Raptor Mount, Toucan't Pet, Wild Wing Outfit, Wild Wing Axe and Shield, 1 month or 5000 crowns
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