Top Ten Must-Have Polaris Drops
Wizard101's latest world - Polaris - reminds me a lot of Aquila in the sense that there's not necessarily a whole new gear set to farm for (which is a good thing), but there are a few drops you want to pay attention to scattered throughout the world. Here are the top ten things you need from Polaris.
10. Borealis Peaks Gear and Wands
Dropped From: Jeweled Slopes, Rasputin
To match your gear set, or just to use as a fancy decoration, you'll almost certainly want to pick up at least one of the Borealis gem wands. These are themed after the creatures Rasputin is creating from the gems, and they're pretty cool, if only just for their looks.
9. Ice Horns

The Harrowing Nightmare Pack update this past year introduced some interesting twists to hairstyles - halos, goat horns, and cat ears! Now there's at least one more variation that we know of so far - the Ice Horns! These are a confirmed drop from Snowbeard, but are likely dropped from other bosses throughout Polaris.
8. Boss Pets
Dropped From: Detolli the Destroyer, Baba Yaga, Numbskull Chieftain, Warden Vissarovich, Ludus the Beastmaster, Colonel Ivanenko, Ygor
These are interesting because while most of the bosses are required for the storyline, several are optional and unconnected to any quest. Colonel Ivanenko and the Numbskull Chieftain roam the area in Urville Station and the upper parts of the River of Frozen Tears. It is interesting to note that every boss who drops a pet also cheats, including the wandering bosses.
7. Simon the Sayer Swords
Dropped From: Simon the Sayer
The boss and the items are designed for level 75+ wizards, so if you are maxed out, you not find that the battle is very difficult. The stats on the swords probably also won't be particularly helpful, but the swords look impressive and can be stitched. Plus, the mechanics of this battle were designed in part by Daniel and the fight is very creative. You'll even see a new mechanic where Daniel assists you from outside the battle.
6. Dual Blade Gems
Dropped From: Vigiliant Jarilo, Jeweled Slopes, Rasputin
These are big... and a bit odd. The single blade gems are for level 95+ only, but these gems, which give two of a particular blade, are for level 15+. That means that you can trade them down to new wizards (as long as they aren't affixed to anything) for questing.
Besides school blades, there's a Dual Balanceblade gem, which can be used by any school. These are definitely worth investigating.
Besides school blades, there's a Dual Balanceblade gem, which can be used by any school. These are definitely worth investigating.
5. Top Tier Amulets
Dropped From: Rasputin
These can be somewhat confusing, because they're structured like the Darkmoor gear - there are three tiers of all gear, including the amulets. You will know you have your top tier because it'll have three jewel slots.
These aren't necessarily something you should invest yourself in farming for if you have your Morganthe amulet, but if not, it's a great opportunity to farm somewhere different for a slightly better alternative, in my opinion. Some people will prefer Morganthe's for the blade, though the other gems offered in the world may solve that problem.
4. Morganthe Gems
Dropped From: Baba Yaga
Many say they wouldn't be viable for questing. In some ways, that's true because they're only one spell that is more of a display of power and a novelty, but on the other hand, you could win multiples from Baba Yaga or the pack, and affix them to different items so that there are more in your deck. Unfortunately, like other item cards, they cannot be enchanted.
3. May Cast Aura Gems
Dropped From: Rasputin
Besides the school-themed jewel packs, these gems can be obtained from Rasputin in the Horizon Hold.
2. New Decks
Dropped From: Jeweled Slopes, Rasputin
The new decks give more critical than before and also add in some block. Like the crafted Darkmoor decks, these come with several different potential jewel slots. You'll have to farm until you receive the one you want. Fortunately, they're not any too rare.
The one downside to these new decks is that they allow fewer copies of both your school cards and other cards. The sideboard space has also decreased slightly. However, assuming you don't pack ten of a particular spell, you'll probably be fine with this newer alternative which has better stats.
1. Mammoth Mini Mount
Dropped From: Warlord Minak (Jeweled Slopes)
The Mammoth Mini is one of only three mounts to have stats beyond the 40% speed boost. It provides a 2% healing bonus. Being a dropped mount, it is fairly uncommon, and certainly a reward worth farming for.
What do you want most from Polaris?
Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral! Credits: Big thanks to Sophia Lifecaster for the picture of the Morganthe jewel!
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