Top 20 Items from Wizard101's New School-Themed Furniture Packs
With 126 new items available in Wizard101's school-themed furniture packs, there's a lot to check out. Not only did they release all of these items, but you can purchase the packs for gold from the Crown Shop if your crowns balance is a little slim. Here are my favorite twenty items from the new packs.
#20: Alhazred's Suspended Bed
Balance Furniture Set 3

#19: Halston's Dinner Table
Storm Furniture Set 2
Most of the pack tables aren't crazy cool (except maybe Ice - that one is frozen), but Halston's storm table has one of the more interesting designs, with a thunder cloud and lightning in every direction. Its intricate carvings match a well-decorated Storm house, but it could also work in other settings. It goes nicely with the four Storm chairs included between the three Storm furniture sets.
#18: Cyrus's Stone Sink
Myth Furniture Set 2
If your appearance isn't quite as appealing in the morning as you'd like, one look at this Medusa sink will set you right. Out of five snakes atop her head five streams of water flow, into a decorative basin below.
It's certainly perfect for any Aquilan house, but especially any Myth wizard looking for additional uses for their double-stun friend.
#17: Cyrus's Wash Basin
Myth Furniture Set 1
If water-spurting hair-snakes on a Medusa statue aren't your thing, Humongofrog slobber surely is. The Myth sets get quite a bit of attention thanks to nearly every piece having some form of animation. This wash basin is the only one that hangs on the wall and is not freestanding, and features a Humongofrog from whose lips run the stuff of life... that's the water you're using to wash with.
#16: Halston's Stormy Bath
Storm Furniture Set 1
If you're that one person running around telling everyone that danger is your middle name - have I got a bath-time experience for you! Halston's Stormy Bath needn't include a shower head with rain falling from the clouds above your tub. Fortunately, the thing has a lightning rod.
To satisfy your inner pirate, some clouds have been pulled from the skyways to form your bubbles to accompany your rubber ducky... of danger, of course.
#15: Dworgyn's Deathbed
Death Furniture Set 3
For those who are awake late at night and feeling lonely, Dworgyn's Deathbed offers a simple solution. Perfect for any spooky home, this coffin-shaped bed is sometimes occupied by a banshee ghost, who randomly floats upward from below.
The canopy bed is a royal purple and perfectly elegant. Plus, who doesn't love a headstone-inspired headboard encouraging you to Rest In Peace?
#14: Moolinda's Dining Perch
Life Furniture Sets 1, 2, and 3
The most widely-available item on the top twenty list is this life-inspired chair. The Life set is largely underrepresented on the list because it is such a niche appearance, but the striking beauty of these chairs cannot be overlooked. If you're buying the whole Life set, you'll end up with four. If you're looking exclusively for the chairs, pick up Set #2, which has two of these chairs as opposed to only one in Sets #1 and #3.
#13: Alhazred's Cathedra
Balance Furniture Set 1
If you've never tried to balance on one of those giant exercise balls, your childhood was undoubtedly lacking. Now, your wizard can join in on the fun with this elegant chair. This is definitely one of the better pack chairs, looking like more of a throne than anything, and balancing on top of a golden sphere. At least now when you fall backwards out of your seat, you have a valid excuse.
#12: Alhazred's Suspended Divan
Balance Furniture Set 2
This elegant, winged seat does not hang dangerously from your ceiling (I can tell you from personal experience that it can end disastrously), but instead from two pillars.
The cushioned bench fits well in a Balance or Aquilan home, but could also work for Myth or other themes. KingsIsle failed to include a weight limit, but I'm sure your gobbler friends will be A-OK.
#11: Lydia's Frozen Cathedra
Ice Furniture Set 1
If ever you decide that a Game of Thrones seems like a nifty idea (or just a friendly game of musical chairs), you must certainly include Lydia's Frozen Cathedra. Falling in line with Life, Ice is largely underrepresented on the list because so many of items worked better in two specific houses, but also because much of it has been available as a drop from Omen and is not new.
Now if only the Fire and Storm chairs were as epic, a trio of elemental thrones would be pretty... cool.
#10: Cyrus's Imposing Table
Myth Furniture Set 2
Imposing is definitely the right word for it. The best motivator to eat a light meal? Do it with an angry Minotaur staring at you while he holds the table. One might consider this furniture piece slave labor if not for the saving grace of the apparent uninvited dinner guest actually being an animated statue. Seems to me that four table legs are better than two Minotaur ones... and there's a lot less hair.
#9: Halston's Typhoon Carpet
Storm Furniture Set 1
The Storm school is adding to their furniture count again with this epic rug. The animation on this carpet is a perfect addition to a Storm house or for any wizard who loves a good rain. Or bright yellows. This furniture has a lot of those.
#8: Dworgyn's Occupied Wing Chair
Death Furniture Set 1
Not very often does your furniture come occupied. Haunted Houses are pretty big in Wizard101, and with Halloween around the corner, this chair is a must-have for decorators. Or again, if you're just lonely, this newspaper-reading Ghoul is the perfect companion.
The chair fits into the Death house, any Darkmoor-themed home, or even a few of the other spooky options like The Wyrd House.
#7: Dalia's Hearth
Fire Furniture Set 3
If you can't handle the heat, get out of the... living room? The lone Fire item on the list comes not from a kitchen, but is part of the third Fire Furniture Set.
Despite its excessive use of Fire symbols (the main reason so much of the other furniture didn't make the list - only one school can really benefit), this piece works well in Grizzleheim homes, Dragonspyre houses, or pretty much anywhere. One might interpret the symbols as a sort of icon for what the item is.
#6: Dworgyn's Deathly Hearth
Death Furniture Set 3
If there's one thing to learn from this list, it's this: Fireplaces are epic, and so is playing with fire. At least, interacting with fire items anyway. Dworgyn's Deathly Hearth is the Death-themed centerpiece for any haunted living area. Easily the most interesting piece of Death furniture available, this item feature portraits of all sorts of Death creatures, including one small picture that we haven't seen before.
#5: Cyrus's Reflecting Pool
Myth Furniture Set 1
These Myth school sets seem to have gotten some special attention, because they're pretty epic. Not only that, this is also your second opportunity for Humongofrog slobber.
How could one possibly feel more noble than when taking a bath surrounded by frog fountains and arches? This reflecting pool in the pinnacle of bathroom luxuries.
#4: Halston's Bed of Clouds
Storm Furniture Set 3
Who said you need to be dreaming to float away in the clouds? The Storm school bed has only a headboard, footboard, and a pillow. Beyond that, it's all clouds. Besides being one of the most unique beds in-game, Halston's is a luxury item that could work in any house as a stand-alone piece.
#3: Cyrus's Slumber Chamber
Myth Furniture Set 3
Top three! As is fitting for a student who casts any number of imaginary creatures, this little enclosure appears as though it could be left outside.
It invites the contemplative thinker to ponder the questions of life... like, "Where do I put my head?" or "How on earth do I sleep on a circular mattress?"
#2: Moolinda's Life Font
Life Furniture Set 3
If you didn't inhale enough bugs while sleeping in your slumber chamber, Moolinda's Life Font will quickly solve that problem. Naturally, Life can't light a fire in its fireplace, so this item emits a spiraling shower of butterflies that are sure to leave any living room picnic with a little extra crunch. While Life items are rarer on the list, this one is number two for its beauty.
#1: Alhazred's Wall Arches
Balance Furniture Set 3
If not for the fact that's it's beautiful regardless of theme, then for its versatility, Alhazred's Wall Arches are the number one new item for me. You might not have known it, but each school set comes with one set of wallpaper and flooring that matches the theme. Some sport school symbols and many have multiple uses, but none are so captivating as these universal arches. They work with any home looking for a touch of elegance, and you'll even be able to grab at least one more of the Balance items on this list by purchasing the pack containing the wallpaper.
Breakdown of the Top 20:
5 Myth Items | 4 Storm Items | 4 Balance Items | 3 Death Items | 2 Life Items | 1 Ice Item | 1 Fire Item
Get the Most for Your Money:
2 items in Balance Furniture Set 3 | 2 items in Storm Furniture Set 1 | 2 items in Myth Furniture Set 1 | 2 items in Myth Furniture Set 2 | 2 items in Death Furniture Set 3 | 2 items in Life Furniture Set 3 | 1 item in Balance Furniture Set 1 | 1 item in Balance Furniture Set 2 | 1 item in Storm Furniture Set 2 | 1 item in Storm Furniture Set 3 | 1 item in Myth Furniture Set 3 | 1 item in Death Furniture set 1 | 1 item in Ice Furniture Set 1 | 1 item in Fire Furniture Set 3
Which furniture packs are you planning to buy?
Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral! Credits: Thanks to Hunter, Nicholas, Aaron, and Connor Dragonblood for allowing me to take pictures of their furniture.
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