Wizard101 Level 130+ Catacombs Crafted Gear
The Test Realm is in full swing for Wizard101's fall update, and Wizard City's underground sewers and catacombs contain adventures for both low-level and top-level players. The Catacombs, a series of ancient tunnels accessed via Golem Court, offer new crafted level 130+ gear. Here's a look at the stats on these new crafted items!
Where are the recipes?

In order to craft the new items, you'll need all new reagents and drops. Each item requires another item to craft - one which is presumably dropped from the Catacombs. The rest of the reagents are drops from the new level 130+ underground content (you may also get some as quest rewards).
Level 130+ Crafted Balance Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Balance wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Death Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Death wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Fire Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Fire wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Ice Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Ice wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Life Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Life wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Myth Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Myth wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Storm Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ Storm wizards!
Level 130+ Crafted Universal Gear
Here are the crafted gear options for level 130+ wizards!
Gear Comparisons
How do these items stack up against other gear options? There are some solid options here across the board. The hats could be good offensive options for wizards who are interested in that style of setup. The robes could be good tanking options for players filling that role. The boots are probably worthy of the most attention, offering pretty impressive damage and resistance along with a ton of health. These might even be the best new boots! The wands are okay - they're good damage options but they don't offer anything particularly special.
Now onto accessories! The athames are actually worth looking at, especially if you never got your Darkmoor athame. There aren't actually that many athame options that offer a lot of damage, and these do. They also offer a lot of health. They could potentially be replacements for Darkmoor athames other than the fact that they don't have any power pip chance at all. Still, they could be worth looking at if you're not into Darkmoor. The amulets get interesting - they're good defensive options and they offer some powerful four-pip spells. These are probably some of the few item card attacks that could be worth using. The rings offer solid critical and decent damage, but they don't seem to stack up to the Darkmoor offerings unless you're focusing more on critical. They seem to have especially low health.
Want to compare the gear yourself? Take a look at these best level 130+ gear guides for max level wizards of every school!
Will you be crafting the new gear?
Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
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