Wizard101 Celestian Lore Spells: A Review
Long-time readers know that I always review and showcase new spells in the game, but the new ones in the Test Realm are particularly interesting for a few reasons. While we aren't sure exactly where we'll get these new spells, we do get to test them out in the Test Realm and make sure everything is working properly. Let's take a look.
About the Celestian Lore Spells
These spells have yet to be released in any official capacity, but you can get the spellements for them from the Decius Treat Realm vendor in the Commons while logged into the Test Realm. You can use the spellements themselves to acquire the spell via upgrading and then choose the path you so desire to check out the various spell tiers.The mostly likely place to acquire these spells from would be a pack, although four spells from a pack does seem a bit unusual. They're all themed, though, so a pack does make sense. We wouldn't get only four new spells and not one for each school if they were going to be trained from somewhere.
Balance Spell: Spiritual Tribunal

That said, Spectral Blast isn't a hugely popular spell among Balance wizards period, and certainly not at max level. The randomness of the school damage means that you have a chance for your PvE opponent to resist your spell in the case of three out of the seven schools. This video shows all three attacks.
Potential Paths
There are three potential paths for this spell and you'll need to choose the one you want right away. The only thing different about the tiers here is the damage amount for each school and the spread of damage. So for example, in the first path, you're operating within the narrow 545-565 range. This means more consistency. The second path ends in damage ranging from 525-585, meaning less consistency in how much damage you'll do but the potential to do more damage. The final and perhaps least desirable path offers the opportunity for the highest damage, with a range of 525-605. The trade-off is that its second damage value is quite a bit lower, so you'll more consistency do less damage. While I haven't quite figured out what the added chance is on the last tier of the spell, it seems in my testing that you are more likely to roll the higher-damage hits, which tends to be the Myth attack.Death Spell: Ship of Fools

I anticipate this being a pretty popular spell among all Death wizard levels, although whether or not lower-level wizards will benefit much from it depends on where you can get it and how easily the crafting recipe is. This video showcases both the regular attack and the drain-health attack.
Potential Paths
There are two great paths here for this spell. This can become a drain-health spell that does some moderate damage and heals you. Or it can hit a little harder without stealing health. In fact, in this form, Ship of Fools is more powerful than Meteor Strike! It's still an AoE either way despite the difference in symbols. Either one could be a good choice based on your play style.Fire Spell: Nautilus Unleashed

The animation for this spell stands out as being particularly spectacular, with a submarine of sorts launching a blast up into space which shatters a meteor and blasts the opponent. This video showcases the spell.
Potential Paths
Nautilus Unleashed has some interesting path options. The damage on this one scales in a very meaningful way and at a quicker pace than any of the other new spells. The base spell steals a blade and then attacks which means that if the caster steals a Fire or universal blade, they'll get to use it for the hit. That's pretty handy! The first path maintains this format until the last tier, when you'll choose to add an extra twenty damage for an extra pip (a very odd choice and probably not one to pick) or to change the spell altogether and do the damage first THEN steal TWO blades. A complete change in direction at the last tier! The alternative is to convert the spellIce Spell: Celestial Intervention

I am not sure how popular this spell will end up being. It can be a little clunky to use given that you have to almost set up for it, but at the same time, if you're with a team using shields for all friends or getting absorbs from Rebirth or having traps placed on you from enemies, this could be something which you simply use naturally with no setup. This video showcases the spell.
Potential Paths
There are two paths for Celestial Intervention - fewer than any of the other spells. They're pretty straightforward - you can either heal more per ward or use up more wards toward healing. It should be noted that the second path offers a maximum potential base heal of 810 while the first path offers a maximum potential base heal of only 600, but the requirements are much easier to meet. While this comes down to personal preference and play style, my inclination would be to go with the first path.What do you think of the new Celestian Lore spells?
Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
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