Wizard101 Level 130+ Arcanum Gear (Karamelle Pre-Quests)

As wizards begin their questing toward Karamelle, they'll first need to complete a few quests in the Arcanum. But fear not! There are new spells and new gear pieces to be had before you've even reached the new world. Let's talk about this new, school-specific set awarded from Karamelle's pre-quests for wizards level 130 and up.
At first, the idea of Musicology sounds pretty cool. Unfortunately, you won't have much time for exploring this unusual form of magic because you'll be too busy trying to work out just who's a mole and who's the mole. Or maybe the mole is the mole. Anyway, in getting to know Maulwurf, you'll have a few early battles in Khrysalis and the Arcanum, and successful completion of those quests awards an entire gear set - hat, robe, boots, wand, athame, amulet, ring, and deck! That's impressive. And while this does happen while questing from time to time, rarely are the items actually worth using. These are different. Take a look.
Level 130+ Arcanum Gear
Each school has its own set of gear! You'll recognize the appearance as an Arcanum-themed set originally released with Polaris, but the stats are worth noting, too. Take a look at all of the available items here in these expandable tabs.
Level 130+ Balance Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Balance wizards!
Level 130+ Death Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Death wizards!
Level 130+ Fire Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Fire wizards!
Level 130+ Ice Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Ice wizards!
Level 130+ Life Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Life wizards!
Level 130+ Myth Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Myth wizards!
Level 130+ Storm Arcanum Gear
Here is the Arcanum Liaison gear set for Storm wizards!
Awarded Gear Sets
While quest-awarded gear sets aren't new, usable pieces of gear from quests certainly are. This set, while it isn't the pinnacle of all gear offerings, has some impressive and competitive items. In fact, I think many wizards who haven't spent a lot of time farming various bosses will find themselves pleasantly surprised and perhaps even using a few of the items awarded from the quest.
We've always had dropped gear worth using. And periodically, at different level intervals, we've had crafted gear worth using. Recently, with the release of Empyrea, they really stepped up their game with the crafted gear, giving the level 130+ crafted gear equivalent stats to the level 130+ dropped paradox gear. It's quite possible they'll do something similar in Karamelle. Packs have often offered impressive wands and even some worthwhile boots in recent years. Quest-awarded gear could be one more option to help diversify what wizards are wearing and help out more casual players who don't enjoy farming difficult bosses.
I'm really excited by these gear sets and I hope other items (if not more full sets) are awarded from quests in the future. It makes sense. We've made it this far, and getting a decent set of gear seems like a fitting reward.
Will you be using anything from your new gear set?
Thanks for reading and see you in the Spiral!
Credits: Thanks to Iridian Willowglen for the Life gear stats
and to DV8ONE for the Balance and Fire gear stats!
Thanks to Mattnetic for the Life deck!
Thanks to Mattnetic for the Life deck!
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