Marleybone Zeke Quest Guide: Stray Cats | Wizard101
Zeke's quest in Marleybone requires tracking down
the Stray Cats, which are scattered across the world! Here's where to find all of the Stray Cats so that you can grab
your training point from Prospector Zeke in Marleybone! There are ten to locate in Zeke's quest "Stray Cat Strut."
Prospector Zeke Quest
Once again, Prospector Zeke has beat our wizard to a new world and has a quest
for us that awards a training point. You can find him in the Market Square at the center of Regent's Square, the main area of Marleybone.
Regent's Square Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Regent's Square near the entrance to Scotland Yard.
Digmoore Station Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Digmoore Station. Turn left shortly after entering and you'll find the cat in the corner.
Hyde Park Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Hyde Park near the central dome. Before entering from the teleporters, go left and find the cat outside.
Chelsea Court Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Chelsea Court near Chelsea Tower, oppsite the entrance.
The Ironworks Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in the Ironwoods in Hooder's Factory. You'll need to complete the whole instance. After defeating the final boss, walking through his room and to a platform on the other side where the cat is waiting.
Scotland Yard Roof Cat
Search for this Stray Cat on Scotland Yard Roof. Head toward Knight's Court and turn right after passing across the boards to find this cat in the corner.
Newgate Prison Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Newgate Prison near the teleporters, just past the two prison towers.
Knight's Court Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Knight's Court near the Knights Tower and teleporters.
Katzenstein's Lab Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Katzenstein's Lab. You'll need to complete nearly the whole dungeon to gain access to the final lab, where the cat waits.
Big Ben Cat
Search for this Stray Cat in Big Ben. The cat is behind some crates on level 12, so you'll need to fight your way through.
Handing in the Quest
Once you've successfully located all of the Stray Cats, you're ready to
return to Regent's Square and hand in the quest to Prospector Zeke for your training point! Congratulations!
For completing Prospector Zeke's quest to find Marleybone's Stray Cats, you'll earn the "Marleybone Explorer" badge!
For completing Prospector Zeke's quest to find Marleybone's Stray Cats, you'll earn the "Marleybone Explorer" badge!
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