Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Zeke's quest in Zafaria requires tracking down the Monkeys, which are scattered across the world! Here's where to find all of the Monkeys so that you can grab your training point from Prospector Zeke in Zafaria! There are seven to locate in Zeke's quest "Hey Hey It's the Monkeys."

Prospector Zeke Quest

Once again, Prospector Zeke has beat our wizard to a new world and has a quest for us that awards a training point. You can find him in Baobab Crown on a platform overlooking the center area. 

Baobab Market Monkey

Search for this Monkey in Baobab Market on the dock to Stone Town behind the building.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Savannah Monkey

Search for this Monkey in the Savannah behind a tent near the entrance to Nemean Rock. It's not far from the teleporter.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Zamunda Outskirts Monkey

Search for this Monkey in Zamunda Outskirts near a tent along the river.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Zamunda Monkey

Search for this Monkey in Zamunda inside the Magician's Hut. You'll need to fight the boss inside in order to get this monkey.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Stone Town Monkey

Search for this Monkey in Stone Town near the Darajani Palace. It's along the left-hand side.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Waterfront Monkey

Search for this Monkey in the Waterfront. There's a small cafe you can enter in the Sook. The monkey is in the back.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Elephant Graveyard Monkey

Search for this Monkey in the Elephant Graveyard behind a gravestone near the Drum House.

Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101
Zafaria Zeke Quest Guide: Monkeys | Wizard101

Handing in the Quest

Once you've successfully located all of the Monkeys, you're ready to return to Baobab Crown and hand in the quest to Prospector Zeke for your training point! Congratulations!

For completing Prospector Zeke's quest to find Zafaria's Monkeys, you'll earn the "Zafarian Explorer" badge!

Click to view
Guide to All Zeke & Eloise Quests

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