Dragonspyre Zeke Quest Guide: Stone Roses | Wizard101
Zeke's quest in Dragonspyre requires tracking down
the Stone Roses, which are scattered across the world! Here's where to find all of the Stone Roses so that you can grab
your training point from Prospector Zeke in Dragonspyre! There are ten to locate in Zeke's quest "The Stone Roses."
Prospector Zeke Quest
Once again, Prospector Zeke has beat our wizard to a new world and has a quest
for us that awards a training point. You can find him in the lower level of the Basilica.
The Basilica Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Basilica right behind the Spiral door.
The Athenium Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the the Athenium. Walk around all of the main buildings on the upper level around the back to find this rose.
The Tower Archives Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the the Tower Archives. Enter from the Athenium and then take every left that you can to a dead end near the entrance where you started. Go down the stairs on the left-hand side and look for this rose between the building and the back wall.
The Grand Chasm Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Grand Chasm Past by using the Time Crystal in the Grand Chasm to enter the dungeon and walk down to the end of the hallway of doors in the Grand Chasm Past to find this rose.
The Necropolis Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Necropolis near the entrance to the Drake Hatchery. Go down the ramp to the left and look behind it.
The Labyrinth Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Labyrinth on a rock chunk by the tower in the very back. You'll need to complete a significant portion of the dungeon to unlock this area.
Dragonspyre Academy Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in Dragonspyre Academy near the Young Battledrake between a building and wall.
The Crystal Grove Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Crystal Grove. It's in the back grove in a small enclosure with an orange crystal.
Dragon's Roost Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Dragon's Roost. Go into a fenced-off area and look at the very end between the structure and wall.
The Crown of Fire Rose
Search for this Stone Roses in the Crown of Fire. It's in the final room with Malistaire near the crack in the floor. You'll need to complete most of the dungeon to get here and find the rose.
Handing in the Quest
Once you've successfully located all of the Stone roses, you're ready to
return to the Basilica and hand in the quest to Prospector Zeke for your training point! Congratulations!
For completing Prospector Zeke's quest to find Dragonpyre's Stone Roses, you'll earn the "Dragonspyre Explorer" badge! Additionally, if you've completed all of Prospector Zeke's quests from Wizard City to Dragonspyre, you'll earn the "Master Explorer" badge!
For completing Prospector Zeke's quest to find Dragonpyre's Stone Roses, you'll earn the "Dragonspyre Explorer" badge! Additionally, if you've completed all of Prospector Zeke's quests from Wizard City to Dragonspyre, you'll earn the "Master Explorer" badge!
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